Week 94!!!

Hey everyone!! This past week was super great!!! We finally got JAMES and ROSE married and baptized!!! We have been waiting 3 months for this and they have stayed faithful and determined and I am so happy for them! We were able to find them a new comfortable house, james stopped drinking, and Rose stopped hating the church and got to get to know the church and read the book of mormon!!!! Awesome baptism and awesome wedding! We were also able to find a TON of new people and families this week which was super great! We found this inactive mom named goodalis and she is raising her 2 kids who have about my age and they were all super nice and when we showed up to the door she´s like….how did you guys know I lived here…..because I really wanted to come back to church?!!! So she is super great!!! Also we found a really cool lady named Maryluisa and she has been a jehovas witness and an evangelical so shes got quite the religious background and we were able to teach her inside the chapel for the first lesson and she commented to us that she has always been looking for inner peace and happiness because she suffers from depression and no religion has satisfied her. But after sharing with her she began to feel the spirit and she said she finally felt at home! We invited her to be baptized and she came to church and she commented that for 3 days straight she didnt feel the pain from her ilnesses she has and she took that as her answer that this is the true church!!!! Also at church my converts are blessing and passing the sacrament and juan jose bore his testimony on sunday and it was super powerful!!! Lots of good things happening over here and I couldnt be happier!!! Also me and my comp got a new missionary this week so we will be in a trio for this last change which will be a blast!! 

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