Week 64

Hey everyone!!! This week was super great!!! We had tons of success with our activities that we are doing and we are helping others to get to know the church in a different and more friendly ways so thats been helping us. Also, we had the casual day where every appointment falls and me and my comps legs were about to fall off and I was so fed up with uncommited people so we just stood at a really busy street corner and we contacted everyone who walked by and we did that for 3 hours so that was fun hahah. I also had divisiones with an elder from the zone this week and it was a blast! The sector had been a little tuff for them but I am all about hard sectors so we went contacting the whole day and we found soooo many people!!! We found 5 new families for them to teach and we were able to teach the whole day! Really awesome but I am super jealous because I wont be able to teach those families and baptize them hahahah. Other than that it was a super normal week and we have just been trying to move the work forward! 

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