Week 33-I hugged an Apostle this week! Maverick’s letter came a day later

I hugged an Apostle this week!!!Elder Christofferson came to my mission and he said some very inspiring things and afterwards me and my comp had the oportunidad to meet him in person and talk with him and it was nutz!! He is the funniest guy and it was crazy to meet an apostle of God in person!! Other than that, I have been working really hard and I have been doing straight contacts for 6 hours everyday cause everyone is gone on vacation and it has been super hot so it has just been the best time….. especially when all our lessons are canceled. But I love contacting so I have been living it up in the hot chilean sun. I also had a couple experiences with our investigatores believing that Russell M. Neslon is a prophet and it is super awesome!! We teach a haitian named ¨Papa¨and he fed us the rest of the food he had for the month and it was super humbling to see his level of charity, and the first thing he said to us when we walk into his room was, ¨Nelson es un Pwofeta¨ and it was the funniest thing cause he woke up just about every haitian in the house haha. This week we found a really awesome lady who lost everything in her life and she is trying to piece everything back together and we had a powerful lesson with her and we promised her many blessings if she keeps living in the restored gospel cause we know that this gospel can really bless her and bring happiness back into her home! This week we also bought some facemasks and we did a district P-Day with the facemasks and it seemed like my district liked it and we ate and obviously we played soccer hahha. Also one of my Golden investigatores passed her baptismal interview so I am going to have a baptism this week!!! But the rest of the week we found a ton of new family´s to teach and we had a ton of problems with the drunk people at night lately but its been pretty funny hahaha. But I have been loving Chile and I hope everyone has a great week!!

**Last picture is Maverick with a rip in his pants held together by a pin, lol 

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