Week 66

Hey everyone!!  Pretty busy past week! First off I had changes and I am now with one of my old comps again, Elder Heiner, and we are the zone leaders of Gran Avenida now!!! The zone looks like it has a lot of potencial and I am so ready to start working! My first 5 minutes in the new sector some guy pulled out a switch blade on me so that was a nice way to start out the week hahah. Me and my comp also have to start from 0 so we basically are going to contact all day which is my favorite! Before I left my last sector we were seeing a lot of success with our less actives and we were able to reactivate nearly all of them and we were seeing a lot of miracles through family history  work with them! It turns out that family history work really can have an impact on someone who has fallin away from the gospel so I highly recommend it! Other than all that this week has been straight contacts like always and I couldnt get more happier hahahha the mission is sooo awesome!!!!!

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