Week 21

Qué paja locos! This week was super awesome and we have been having a ton of success in our sector lately. We had a meeting with a lady I found in the street a couple days ago and I started to talk about the book of mormon with her and we gave her one and we gave her some scriptures to read in the book but when we extended the invitation to read only a couple sections she quickly looked at us and she said, ¨ Well is it ok if I read the whole book!¨And me and my comp looked at each other and we told her YEP!! Also this week we had a meeting at an investigators house named Maria Lorca and she is the most kind old lady and she made us food and bought bread and we were trying to teach her but she kept on telling us to eat. but luckily I ate the rest of the bread and so we were finally able to speak to her, until she got up out of her chair and told us she needed to by more bread cause her little angles were still hungry hahaha. Entonces, we sat alone in her house with a member for 10 min. feeling super awkward hahaha. Another thing about the grandmas out here….. I LOVE THEM!!! They always say the nicest things to me and if they dont want to talk to me in the street they reach over and kiss me on the cheek and its super funny hahaha. But we founda really cool investigator the other day and one of her peruano amigas showed up with food and she gave us some food and they were trying to schedule another cita with us so they could cook for us and I literally felt like I was in heaven!! Whats funny is after the closing prayer I stood up right beside the hermana and she freaked out and said I was huge and she laughed and ran to go get her high heels and she put them on to see if she could reach my height hahahah they also got a tape measurer and tried measuring my comp and I HAHAH. Anyways me and my comp also completed the Standards of Excellence in the week and so we celebrated this week and so basically this week was a whole lot of celebrating the miracles that we have been receiving lately!! Anyways this week has been insanely good and I cant wait to see more miracles!!  

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