Week 25–6 months!!

*This is Lisa–it was great getting to Skype with Elder Minor and to hear his voice!! We loved talking for almost 2 hours and hearing all of his stories. We walked him around our house with the iPad to show him all the changes and when we got to Corbin’s room he asked “what is that? Is that carpet?” Hahaha! He hasn’t seen carpet in so long!! We all giggled about that for a long time. Also, he kept asking “is that how you say that in English?” One word he was confused about “speaker”. He said “that’s a speaker right? Is that the right word?” Haha! Now I am counting down the days till Mother’s Day when we can Skype again❤️

This week was really awesome!! Christmas was cool and I got 3 pairs of socks from a member so it was cool hahaha. I also spent christmas at a really great families house and we ate a huge meal and sang christmas carols and I got to watch them open up their christmas presents hahah. Its also been super hot lately so that was diferent but I still loved it. ALSO… I bought a watermelon for my boys and we cut it open and put Matte in it and we dumped a whole liter in it and we were drinking Matte for an hour with my buddies!! We also started teaching this new family and the daughter is incredible and after she went to church on sunday she said she wanted to serve a mission just like us!! The next day we were able to spend christmas night eating dinner with them and it was apparently the hermanas birthday so she made us a humungus meal and desserts and it was awesome!! Afterwards we sang christmas songs and she gave me and my comp sunscreen because we were dying in the sun hahahah. But everything has been super great out here and I am super jealous that my families in the snow right now haha

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