Week 48

Wassup!!! This week was a cold one! We finally started to get rain this week and the streets have been pretty flooded so its been kinda cool walking in rain up to my shins hahah. It has been harder to find people cause no one is in the street and literally every chilean eats at 6 and then goes to bed at like 8……so I´ve been waking up a lot of people hahaha and they havent been to happy. Also its been harder for members and investigatores to go to church because of the cold so that has been pretty hard for us but our golden investigatores are still attending church and doing their part so they have been progressing which is super good! Also yesterday was my comps birthday so we cooked up some meat and hung out so that was fun. But yeah this week has been great and full of new learning experiences and a lot of contacts in the rain hahaha so I´ve been having fun and I have been finding a lot of new people to teach so I am super excited to see some new and great fruits from the work and hopefully we can get into a few more houses at night hahah!

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